Tammy Alper, Group 46
Special offer for OSEB members and their families:
The holiday season is nearly upon us and the stress is and will be mounting.
Take advantage of one of these offers to reduce your stress:
1. $200 off any de-cluttering contract for 2 or more rooms in your home
2. Only $50 for a comprehensive personalized schedule to prepare for the holidays (shopping schedule for both gifts and meals, party planning and more)
Contact us @ TammyAlper@NaturallyTidy.com for price lists or advice.
Free tips and trick available online @ www.NaturallyTidy.com or via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/
Gift certificates are available for that loved one you wish was able to spend less time organizing and more time with you J
The post Service Broadcast: Tammy Alper of Naturally Tidy appeared first on Ontario Self Employment Benefit (OSEB).